Kirkhope Primary School
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
SBC Survey - COVID-19 Children of Key Workers
Childcare arrangements nursery/primary school - please complete the survey as a matter of urgency.
All schools will open on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 March for nursery and primary age children of key workers and vulnerable children only.
Further to communication sent earlier today, we would like to give you details of arrangements in place for next week.
We are currently seeking to offer childcare provision for primary age children of key workers who do not have alternative care provision such as another adult in the household who is working from home. If it is possible for a child to be at home, they should be and it goes without saying that any child who is unwell should not attend.
Please note the service provided will not be a continuation of normal educational provision and will be supported by our school staff, colleagues from other council teams and partners such as Live Borders.
Key workers are:
NHS staff engaged in the national response to COVID-19 (including pharmacists)
Health and social care staff
Emergency services
Staff working in schools and early years provisions
Scottish Borders Council employees delivering key services directly in response to COVID-19.
This list is not fixed or exhaustive and will be adapted as further information is gathered and demands change. However for the early part of next week, children who have no other viable care option, and who has a parent is in one of the above categories, can attend their own school or nursery setting.
We are asking parents to undertake an online survey relating to key worker childcare requirements. This will be used to inform the development of a model which will be more sustainable longer term. You can complete this now:
School transport including transport arrangements for all children who attend our enhanced provisions will run as normal and packed lunches will be provided. Pupils entitled to free school meals can collect their packed lunch from their nearest primary or secondary school.
The children will be suitably occupied and supervised as you would expect for their age group. As this is not “school” pupils can wear their own clothes.
Many thanks.
School and Nursery Learning Packs
Teachers, nursery practitioners and support staff have worked flat out this morning, pulling out all the stops to put learning packs and teaching resources together to prepare our children for learning next week and beyond.
INFO FOR PARENTS: These packs are available now. If your child didn't collect a pack, you can collect it from the school. We will be sharing activity ideas with you and links to useful websites via Facebook and email.